ABOVE 99 PERCENTILE: They have to apply for all IIT’s and IISc with their interested specializations. They also have to apply for NITIE. If they are between 99 and 99.5 and require design or manufacturing specialization, they have to apply PSG, NIT’s or apply non-stipend (self financing) in IIT’s. etc.
BETWEEN 98 & 99: They have to apply for all IIT’s and IISc, They will definitely get seat in IIT’s but not design or manufacturing , but it may be thermal etc. but they have chances to get design or Mfg. If they apply in non-stipend category. They also can apply for NITIE.
BETWEEN 97 & 98: They have to apply for all IIT’s and IISc, PSG coimbuttor, NITIE, NIFFT, for M.Tech, all IIT’s for M.S Programme. you will definitely get seat in IIT’s but not design or manufacturing or thermal but it may be ocean engg, aerospace engg, etc. but they will have chances to get design or Mfg. If they apply in non-stipend category. Also have chances to get M.S Programme in IIT’ with stipend.
BETWEEN 95 & 97: They can apply for all IIT’s for M.Tech with specializations of Ocean Engg, Aerospace Engg., Maintenance Engg. etc type of least preferred ones with stipend and non stipend. There are chances to get this. You also can apply IIT’s for M.S Programme. You have chances to get this, if you have good percentage in B.Tech and if you perform well in the interview. In addition to this you also have to apply for PSG, CIT, NIFFT, VJTI, NITIE, NIT Trichy, NIT Calicutt, BITS, BHU, NIT Suratkal etc.
BETWEEN 90 & 95: Can apply for M.S Programme in IIT’s . If Candidates have good percentage in B.Tech and if they perform well in the interview they have chances to get a seat. you also have to apply for PSG,CIT,NIFFT,VJTI, NITIE, NIT Trichy, NIT Calicutt, BITS, BHU, NIT Suratkal, NIT-Warangal , NIT Bhopal, NIT Durgapur,all other NIT’s, Karnataka &Tamilnadu Engineering Colleges , SVUCE, JNTU, OUCE, AUCE, etc.
BELOW 90: You have chances to get seat in NIT Allahabad, NIT Bhopal , University Engg. Colleges like SVUCE, JNTU, OUCE, AUCE, Karnataka and Tamilnadu engg colleges (Govt. & Private) , Jodhpur University etc. Recently in AP also many Engineering colleges has started M.Tech programs and they are also giving stiphend. All below 90 will definitely get seat in this colleges.